For you Norways - This is like what your mum told you hell looks like. And if you don't behave she'll send you there.
A rastaman with an electric guitar whizzed past on rollerblades, an oily man carrying a sceptre of love or something, was pursuing(using rude gestures made with the mentioned Sceptre of love)
an embarrassed looking German mum with her family.
Walking along we came upon a man sitting amongst paints and canvases.
He had a really cute and minuscule dog that was eating paint. He also told me - "Hey lady, don't take photos of my art. I work real hard at them and I don't want people to steal my ideas."
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna show a photo here anyway because I like them. And I don't think anyone of you fine people could find it in your hearts to steal these ideas.
(Im sorry, crazy paint man, if you read this and think I'm taking advantage. Maybe I am, a little, but I hope you can see the positive side of it, the free advertising which might lead to a possible sale in future, or my compliments might warm your blackened soul or something. Besides, I think you're on to something there, I really do. I mean, Buddhism is about being peaceful, right? and you're turning it around and being ironic by painting a green creepy alien saying "F** off, I'm a Buddhist." I get it. I really do. But see, crazy paint man, the bottom line, is that you have to let go of that anger. Because somewhere, inside, the fuel for you gutsy artwork is eating you up alive. Please don't take it the wrong way crazy paint man. Cause we're all just lost souls on the battlefield that is earth and I love you man.
that dog is precious!!!!